"The Museum Game" marks the end of Anna Scalfi Eghenter's project at the Ferdinandeum. With her works, the artist repeatedly activates new relationships with the public. She strips the exhibition spaces of their scenographic veil and overturns the rules of the museum game. Familiar rituals for staging the exhibits or preserving the past are cancelled out. Anna Scalfi Eghenter exhibits works that are hardly suitable for museum processes.

These are works for public spaces, such as the washing machines of "Celata" or the gigantic columns of "Histogram", which were exhibited at the Palais de la Bourse in Brussels. In the exhibition, the playing fields of "Tennnis" or "Agonale" overlap and invite visitors to a new match.

In the museum game, the history of the works is never complete. They are developed and rethought in order to constantly rediscover their significance in the present.

About the artist

  • Anna Scalfi Eg henter

    Anna Scalfi Eghenter (*1965) is an artist and sociologist. Her research focusses on fundamental aspects of society, including law, the market and sustainability. The organisational context, in this case the museum, is integrated into the development process of her projects. She has presented her works internationally, including at la quadriennale di Roma, Biennale Democrazia Torino, MAXXI in Rome, Kadist Paris and Palais de la Bourse in Brussels.

Project supported by

With the support of the Italian Council (11th edition, 2022) of the Directorate General for Contemporary Creativity of the Ministry of Culture and the Italian Ministry of Culture with the aim of promoting contemporary Italian art worldwide

The artistic work "Interim Measure" is created in cooperation with MPREIS - the Tyrolean supermarket

Text translated with DeepL


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