A festive Marian Vespers by the Salzburg court bandmaster Stefano Bernardi
Born in Verona, Stefano Bernardi was already a famous man when he was appointed Kapellmeister to Archduke Charles of Austria in 1622. Charles, a brother of Emperor Ferdinand II, was Prince-Bishop of Breslau and Brixen. In 1624, Bernardi became court bandmaster to the Prince Archbishop of Salzburg, Count Paris von Lodron. In the year of this career leap, Bernardi published a collection of double-choir vesper psalms in Venice. They are at the centre of the liturgical reconstruction of a vespers service for a Marian feast at the Innsbruck court. Such a liturgical celebration also included chorales, organ music, pieces for instrumental ensemble and compositions in which the chorale and organ alternate (alternatim practice). The early Venetian-style monody, i.e. the modern solo motet with basso continuo accompaniment, also found its way into the Habsburg court chapels at an early stage. Bernardi’s sacred and secular compositions were also known in Innsbruck and were performed by the court chapel under the direction of Johann Stadlmayr. 1624 was also an important year for Stadlmayr – after long negotiations, his employer Archduke Leopold V finally decided to officially reappoint the “Prefect of Music” as Kapellmeister after he had lost this honourable title following the death of Archduke Maximilian III in 1618.
Bonus: 6.15 pm introductory talk
Sun, 29 September 2024, 4 pm, Hofkirche Innsbruck: Final concert of the “Cantare et Sonare” workshop
New from 2024: Single category with free choice of seats
The Tiroler Landesmuseen offer the possibility of a subscription for 6 concerts of the Innsbrucker Hofmusik* with a 20% discount on the respective ticket prices compared to single ticket purchases (not for price category pupils/students).
6 concerts in the subscription regular € 168
6 concerts in the subscription reduced € 120
* The concert “Dedicated to Love” on 27 July is an event of the Innsbruck Festival of Early Music and therefore not available as a subscription.
Tickets can be purchased at the Museumskassa Ferdinandeum or online via oeticket.com or at Oeticket advance booking offices as well as at the box office.
In co-operation with
the “Cantare et Sonare” association
Text translated with DeepL