
Around the block

The cultural association LoR. Legends of Rock invites you to the festival at the Tyrolean Folk Art Museum as part of the concert series “Around the Block”.

LoR. What? Based on the radio programme “LoR. Legends of Rock”, the cultural association of the same name has been organising regular concerts in Innsbruck and the surrounding area since the beginning of 2013. LoR. tries to offer regional composers, performers and bands a platform again.

The concert series “Around the Block” not only gives bands the opportunity to play in unique locations. In addition, well-known but unusual concert venues in Innsbruck are given a completely new face and can be experienced in a new way, and all this with fair payment for the artists.

Admission from 4 pm


free entry

Voluntary donation. Online ticket reservation at

Cooperation partner

The concert series “Around the Block” is supported by the City of Innsbruck and the Province of Tyrol.

Text translated with DeepL


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