
1:1 Concert©

In a 1:1 CONCERT©, a musician and a listener meet for ten minutes of music. This encounter in unusual places is a surprise for both sides: whether harp, double bass or flute, it remains a surprise.

We also conquer new terrain outside the concert hall through unusual venues – whether a painter’s hall behind the scenes of the theatre, a pub in the arches, an allotment garden or a cocktail bar – any place can be transformed into a stage.

The concept of 1:1 CONCERTS© was inspired by Marina Abramović’s legendary performance “The Artist Is Present”. A wordless eye contact between musician and listener is the impulse for a very personal concert at eye level and an intense and unforgettable shared experience.

Your hosts are musicians from the Tyrolean Symphony Orchestra Innsbruck and the Tyrolean Folk Art Museum Innsbruck.



Voluntary donations for a social institution


Registration and tickets at the Tiroler Landestheater

Registration required!

Text translated with DeepL


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