
"Memories of Memories. The Oradour Camp"
  • Friday, 3-11-2023 | 5.30 p.m.  – 6 p.m.
  • free entry
  • For Adults

as part of the premiere days with Roland Sila.

The installation “Memories of Memories” in front of the Ferdinandeum addresses the memories of the “Oradour” camp in Schwaz in the context of National Socialism and the post-war period.

The artist Arno Gisinger presents photographs that open up thinking spaces for different memories. His series “Travelling”, created at the former site of “Oradour” in Schwaz, meets images of the French town of Oradour-sur-Glane, which is now a memorial site.

The installation also includes film stills from a new video by Christine Ljubanovic as well as historical photos by the French journalist Gaston Paris, who photographed the camp in Schwaz in 1945. These works address the power of collective and individual memories and the attempt to make the forgotten visible again.


free entry

No leadership contribution

Text translated with DeepL


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