Forum Museum

Change of perspective: Inventarium Gem/1694
  • Wednesday, 17-1-2024 | 4.30 p.m.
  • free entry
  • For Adults

Where does the painting come from? Who did it once belong to? How was it made? What is hidden on its back? Who painted it? What kind of life did the artist lead?

Hardly any museum today can avoid the task of uncovering the origins of its holdings and presenting the results transparently. The often convoluted paths of artworks into a museum collection are reconstructed. The aim is to assign a person to every abbreviation and every name in order to advance research. All questions about the object aim to establish as complete a chronology of the collection’s origins as possible.

In the “Change of Perspective” series of events, two people from different specialisms talk about an object. The different perspectives show how an object can be interpreted in many different ways and bring forth remarkable stories and surprising connections – a multidimensional and interdisciplinary experience of selected objects.

Text translated with DeepL


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