Forum Museum

Museum on Film: The Great Museum (2014)
  • Tuesday, 28-11-2023 | 6 p.m.
  • free entry
  • For Adults

The documentary takes viewers behind the scenes of the Kunsthistorisches Museum in Vienna. It offers a curious and mischievously humorous look inside a world-famous cultural institution.

For two years, the director and his film team accompanied the staff in their work: preparing exhibitions, restoring works of art and communicating with the public.

With an insightful and poignant focus on the museum’s rich history, its remarkable collection and the challenges facing the art world, The Great Museum celebrates the power of art and the profound impact museums have on society.

Following the film, discussion with:
Johannes Holzhausen (director of the film)
Paulus Rainer (Curator KHM Vienna)

Text translated with DeepL


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