Forum Museum

Change of perspective: "... hit by a blow in the theatre ..."
  • Wednesday, 10-1-2024 | 4.30 p.m.
  • free entry
  • For Adults


Our lives are characterised by appointments. That’s why they are our constant companions: calendars in their various forms as wall, tear-off, pocket or digital calendars.

However, we are focussing on modern writing calendars, which offered space for short notes as well as a calendar. They thus served as a mass-media guide through the year as well as a notebook and diary.

But what information exactly can be found in the calendars? Do they tell us more about their owner? Can they be trusted or, on the contrary, do they pose a mystery?

Join us on an “adventure” that requires a detective’s instincts.

In the “Change of Perspective” series of events, two people from different specialisms talk about an object. The different points of view show how an object can be interpreted in many different ways and produce remarkable stories and surprising connections – a multidimensional and interdisciplinary experience of selected objects.

Text translated with DeepL


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