Free Sunday at the museum

in the Tirol Panorama with Kaiserjägermuseum

On the free Sunday in the Tirol Panorama with Kaiserjägermuseum, we invite you to a guided tour through the exhibition area “Schauplatz Tirol” at 11 am. It connects the TIROL PANORAMA with the Kaiserjägermuseum but also with the contents of the giant circular painting. In the underground exhibition space, exciting, surprising and sometimes bizarre exhibits tell stories about the people, religion, nature and politics of Tyrol. The guided tour uses a selection of artefacts to shed light on historical and contemporary aspects of life in this region and also explores Tyrolean myths.

To get to know the whole museum better, you can download our app: Various interactive tours guide children and adults through the entire museum in an entertaining way. Don’t forget: Bring your own headphones and smartphone for the museum app.

Text translated with DeepL


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