
Grooms, tavern keepers, secretaries - the court of Sigmund the Rich and its people

Presentation of the projectSiCProD – Sigmund of Tyrol’s Court: Prosopographical Database

This lecture is a workshop report on the ongoing project. The speakers will talk about the work on the archive material, the challenges that arise when the source material is to be moulded into a database and demonstrate initial results.

SiCProD is a cooperation project between the University of Innsbruck, the Tyrolean Provincial Archives and the Austrian Centre for Digital Humanities & Cultural Heritage of the Austrian Academy of Sciences (ACDH-CH). The aim is to create a prosopographical database on the court of (Arch)Duke Sigmund of Tyrol, known as “the Rich in Coins”.

In co-operation with

the Tyrolean Historical Society

SiCProD is a cooperation project between the University of Innsbruck and the Tyrolean State Archives in collaboration with the Austrian Centre for Digital Humanities & Cultural Heritage (ACDH-CH). It is funded by the Austrian Academy of Sciences as part of the “go!digital 3.0” funding programme.

Text translated with DeepL


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