Josef Alois Holzmann (1762-1815): Pastoral Mass in F major and other Christmas pieces from around 1800 from Tyrol
Choir and orchestra of the St. Blasius Academy, Karlheinz Siessl

Around 1800, the parish organist Josef Alois Holzmann from Hall was considered the most important composer in Tyrol. His numerous works, primarily church music, enjoyed great popularity beyond the borders of the province for decades after his death. The particularly festive Christmas Mass in F major is preserved in the music archive of the parish church of St Nicholas in the composer’s handwriting. This work surpasses all of Holzmann’s other pastoral masses in terms of length and compositional demands. In this splendid and original Christmas mass setting, Holzmann lives up to his reputation as the “Tyrolean Mozart”. This composition is complemented by touching Christmas music by Holzmann and his contemporaries; at the end is the traditional Christmas carol par excellence “Silent Night, Holy Night”.



Information and tickets from November 2024 at and at the
Ferdinandeum museum ticket office


Tyrolean State Conservatory
Paul-Hofhaimer-Gasse 6
6020 Innsbruck

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