Not purity, but a mixture

The life-size figures that populate the wood-panelled rooms of the Folk Art Museum appear gloomy and grotesque. They are strange figures made of plaster, textiles and bronze. Some of them seem familiar, others terribly strange. They stand on feet and legs, sometimes two, sometimes three. The extremities catch the eye and immediately lend the sculptures a human touch. The arms, on the other hand, are sometimes completely missing, faces are only hinted at. Instead, bulging pads, textile bumps and wrinkled armour draw the eye. What is body, what is mask, costume?

The creator of the sculptures is the artist Markus Wörgötter. He makes most of his sculptures by hand in his studio in Vienna. He sets his "Affektprobanden" in relation to the exhibition object, the parlour.

Through the presence of the sculptures, the historical ambience mutates into a stage, exposing the parlours as a staging of museum theatre alongside drawings and historical reference works.

  • Markus Wörgötter

    Markus Wörgötter is an artist, photographer and author. He studied graphic art at the University of Fine Arts Vienna and philosophy and art history at the University of Vienna. The artist has shown his work at the Museum des 20. Jahrhunderts, Vienna, the Kunsthalle Basel, the Aktionsforum Praterinsel, Munich, the Niederösterreichisches Landesmuseum, St. Pölten, the Haus der Kulturen der Welt, Berlin and the Galerie Tanglberg, Vorchdorf, among others.

  • The parlours in the Folk Art Museum

    Whether for meetings, celebrations or commemorating the dead - parlours first formed the centre of domestic life in castles and monasteries and later in bourgeois and farmhouses. The parlours on display in the Tyrolean Folk Art Museum were purchased as antiques at the end of the 19th century and installed when the museum opened in 1929. When they were purchased, the main focus was on their age and quality. There are therefore 14 representative parlours on display, mostly from inns or manor houses. The majority come from South Tyrol and Trentino, with only three from North Tyrol. In the course of the exhibition "Affektproband" by Markus Wörgötter, the windows of the parlours are opened. They provide a view of the otherwise hidden rooms of the Folk Art Museum behind them and reveal the parlours as a staged museum backdrop.


MUSEUMSGEFLÜSTER: Markus Wörgötter and Karl Berger in conversation

In this episode of our museum podcast, the artist and the director of the Folk Art Museum (interim director of the Tyrolean State Museums at the time of recording) chat about art.

Text translated with DeepL


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