Celebrating Easter – here and elsewhere

10 interactive stations in the Folk Art Museum

Where does the Easter bunny come from? Which animal brings Easter presents in Australia? And what does a blue stag have to do with Easter? At ten hands-on stations in the Folk Art Museum, children and adults can once again learn lots of interesting and surprising facts about Easter.

The intervention "Celebrating Easter - here and elsewhere" is dedicated to the festival and its diverse customs. Spread throughout the museum, there are puzzles to solve and exciting stories to learn about Easter traditions and customs.

At the same time, adults can watch a video tour that is also dedicated to Easter in different cultures and establishes interreligious connections. The four short films were produced in cooperation with the Haus der Begegnung and, like the hands-on stations for children and adults, provide a new look at old traditions, history and folk art, as well as looking beyond one's own nose.


KulturTon - the culture and education channel on FREIRAD:

A radio programme by Michael Klieber in conversation with Jutta Profanter (research associate at the Tyrolean Folk Art Museum) about Easter as part of the Easter Exhibition 2023.

To the podcast on cba.fro.at click on the picture:

© cba

Museum education programme

Text translated with DeepL


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