The temporary artwork "De-Decode De-Recode Re-Decode Re-Recode" by Christoph Hinterhuber (* 1969) on the outer façade of the Ferdinandeum welcomes its visitors from the end of March and transforms the museum into a sculpture with socio-political and cultural significance.

The signifiers decode and recode, which have an unambiguous statement, are extended by the affixes de- and re- and thus absorb a polyvalence that suspends attributions in an endless loop in order to constitute them anew. The word figures remind us of the tasks of an art institution, as a living organism, to make use of its freedom of tradition and to question the museum art-historical context again and again.

In the four possible variants de-decode, de-recode, re-decode and re-recode, a variable thinking space is created, an outline of ideas that is both an invitation to enter into a libidinous relationship with one's intellect and announces and symbolically anticipates the reconstruction of the Museum Ferdinandeum. It is one of the democratic qualities of art in public space that it belongs to the one who views it.

Exterior façade Ferdinandeum

Text translated with DeepL


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