From 23 November 2023, the Ferdinandeum will be transformed into a diverse field of experimentation and will host an inspiring cultural festival with cinema, café, music, flea market, workshops and much more. Around 80 events are on the programme over the course of two months. All of them are free to attend. We will get to the bottom of the museum myth, scrutinise the value of things and develop ideas for a museum of the future together. You can look forward to poetry slams and live concerts, stimulating discussions and cinema evenings, get to know the museum from a different perspective on somewhat different guided tours, browse through our flea market or try your hand at a creative workshop.

As a "Forum Museum", the Ferdinandeum opens itself up to the city and all people, to new perspectives, encounters and visions. With this in mind and with a view to the upcoming remodelling, the ground floor is staged as a building site. The work "Cantiere Tempo" (Construction Site Time) by Anna Scalfi Eghenter provides the creative framework. Parallel to "Forum Museum", the artist is also showing the exhibition "Faites vos Jeux" (Play your games) in the Ferdinandeum and is participating in the festival with game and discussion formats. The construction site in turn serves as a stage, podium, creative workshop or place to linger at various events.


KulturTon - the culture and education channel on FREIRAD:

A radio programme by Michael Klieber about the "Forum Museum" festival.

In today's programme, we ask Katharina Walter what exactly is planned there, what this has to do with an art exhibition and how museums are to be rethought.

Click on the picture to listen to the podcast on

KulturTon - der Kultur und Bildungskanal auf FREIRAD: „Forum Museum"


Free admission

Der Eintritt ins Ferdinandeum ist vom 23.11.2023 bis 31.1.2024 frei. Alle Ausstellungen & Veranstaltungen im Rahmen vom „Forum Museum“ können kostenlos besucht werden.

Text translated with DeepL


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