Paths to equal treatment

Law, advice and reality

All people are equal in dignity. But that does not mean that everyone is treated equally. People experience discrimination in various areas of everyday life because of their gender, age, sexual orientation, skin colour, cultural affiliation, religion or ideology. How do they feel about this? And how can we take action against degrading behaviour and fight for equal treatment?

The exhibition "Paths to Equal Treatment" traces various stories of discrimination in the form of comics. These allow us to adopt different perspectives and understand the situations emotionally. The exhibition also provides information about the Austrian Equal Treatment Act, which has provided a legal framework since 1979. The Ombud for Equal Treatment offers advice and support. The exhibition shows examples of how it can act and help in cases of unequal treatment.

An exhibition project of the

“Wege zur Gleichbehandlung” is based on the original “Jetzt im Recht! Ways to Equal Treatment”, which was shown at the Volkskundemuseum Wien from December 2021 to July 2022.

Text translated with DeepL


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