Every month, the studio in the Ferdinandeum becomes an art workshop: with "Creative Fridays" for young people and adults and the "Open Studio" on Sundays, an intergenerational programme. As part of the "Forum Museum" festival, the exhibition shows a selection of the artistic works that have been created in the studio since 2020 until 31 January 2024. The decisive factor for the selection was to show how diverse, original, lively and skilful the participants react to suggestions to take up a new theme, try out a special technique or material, but also to present the Ferdinandeum studio as a creative place and give an insight into the working methods and approach. Participants are given impulses when working in the studio, but no instructions. The aim is not to create a perfect work of art, but to encourage the courage to experiment in a non-judgemental atmosphere. In this way, the search for one's own statement and the joy of expressing one's own point of view become possible and can be experienced by other visitors.

Free admission

Admission to the Ferdinandeum is free from 23.11.2023 to 31.1.2024. All exhibitions & events as part of the “Forum Museum” can be visited free of charge.

Text translated with DeepL


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