Get to know the 1,000 m2 circular painting in the Tirol Panorama on a guided tour. Afterwards, the Bergiselpark will be transformed for a second time into an after-work stage with music and drinks. Movefest also brings movement to the lawn with small workshops (dance, juggling, slackline, …).

4 pm: Guided tour “Deceptively real!? The panorama as a perfect illusion machine
Admission free

5 – 10 p.m.: Mountain Brick Festival
Participation free of charge

– Nu Caress
– Janka
– Tumulti
– DJ Bazaarplus

Additional programme: small workshops by “Movefest” (movement dance, movement therapy-like structure, possibly slackline, juggling,..)

Food & Drinks: John Montagu & Arche Ahoy

On two summer evenings (20.7. and 31.8.2023), the museum forecourt of the Tirol Panorama with Kaiserjägermuseum can be used as an after-work stage.

In cooperation with

with roof tile flow

Text translated with DeepL


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