Romantic rarities for male quartet and fortepiano

The circle of friends around Franz Schubert met for convivial evenings in which music played a major role. These “Schubertiades” also included works for men’s quartet and fortepiano, which are among the gems in the Viennese composer’s rich oeuvre.

Together with pianist Annette Seiler, who lives and works in Tyrol, an all-Tyrolean men’s quartet dedicates itself to these rarely heard works, such as classics like “Nachthelle” and “Gondelfahrer”. But it was not only Schubert who contributed to the repertoire for male ensemble with or without piano accompaniment; Tyrolean composers Johann Baptist Gänsbacher and Josef Netzer also created significant works in this once flourishing genre.

For authentic listening pleasure, this project uses the precious and beautiful-sounding fortepiano by Conrad Graf (Vienna around 1835), one of the treasures in the instrument collection of the Tyrolean State Museum Ferdinandeum.

Bernd Fröhlich and Wilfried Rogl (tenor)
Clemens Kölbl and Martin Senfter (bass)
Annette Seiler (fortepiano)


€ 24 Regulär
€ 19 Ermäßigt
€ 10 Ermäßigt

Advance booking at the Ferdinandeum museum ticket office, via
OeTicket online and at the points of sale.

Text translated with DeepL


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