Bach & Ysaÿe – Sonatas for solo violin II

The violinist Martin Yavryan, concertmaster of the Tiroler Symphonieorchester Innsbruck, takes up the challenge of organising an entire concert evening with incredibly demanding solo violin literature. For the second time since 2023, he will juxtapose one of Johann Sebastian Bach’s sonatas for solo violin with a solo piece by Belgian violin virtuoso Eugène Ysaÿe. For Bach, Yavryan uses a violin with a beautiful sound by Jakob Stainer (Absam around 1676) from the Ferdinandeum ‘s instrument collection. This violin was owned by the composer and publisher Anton Diabelli, who worked in Vienna, and came to the Ferdinandeum Tyrolean State Museum as a gift from the textile industrialist and collector of master violins Theodor Hämmerle. In this concert, experience the juxtaposition of a key Baroque work in the repertoire for a solo string instrument in a brilliant interpretation and in an exciting juxtaposition with an incredibly demanding work inspired by Bach by a famous and influential violinist of the first half of the 20th century; Ysaÿe’s music is rarely played, quite unjustly.

Martin Yavryan (violin)


€ 24 Regulär
€ 19 Ermäßigt
€ 10 Ermäßigt

Advance booking at the Ferdinandeum museum ticket office, via
OeTicket online and at the points of sale.

Further dates in this series

Text translated with DeepL


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