Claudio Monteverdi in the Silver Chapel Missa In illo tempore, motets and madrigali spirituali

The Silver Chapel in the Innsbruck Court Church was the venue for the princely private services and devotions of the Tyrolean archdukes, which celebrated the Habsburgs’ commitment to Catholic worship in the spirit of “Pietas Austriaca”. There was also room here for exquisite and innovative musical masterpieces that circulated among connoisseurs, i.e. for “musica reservata”. Claudio Monteverdi’s setting of the Litany of Lauretania seems to have been made for the Silver Chapel. This fundamental liturgical text of the Catholic Counter-Reformation is permanently present through the eponymous silver altar, as the imagery is based on the invocations of supplication to the Virgin Mary. The Lauretanian Litany from a collection published posthumously in 1650 and other treasures from Monteverdi’s sacred music oeuvre, as well as rarely heard madrigali spirituali, create a total work of art in the unique ambience of the Silver Chapel – not least thanks to the use of the world-famous wooden organ. This instrument is probably a legacy from Anna Caterina Gonzaga, the Tyrolean princess and second wife of Archduke Ferdinand II of Austria-Tyrol. She was the sister of Duke Vincenzo I of Mantua, Monteverdi’s employer.

Bonus: 18.15 pre-concert


€ 35 Regulär
€ 25 Ermäßigt
€ 10 Schüler*innen, Studierende bis 27 Jahren

New from 2024: Single category with free choice of seats


The Tiroler Landesmuseen offer the possibility of a subscription for 6 concerts of the Innsbrucker Hofmusik* with a 20% discount on the respective ticket prices compared to single ticket purchases (not for price category pupils/students).

6 concerts in the subscription regular € 168
6 concerts in the subscription reduced € 120

* The concert “Dedicated to Love” on 27 July is an event of the Innsbruck Festival of Early Music and therefore not available as a subscription.


Tickets can be purchased at the Museumskassa Ferdinandeum or online via or at Oeticket advance booking offices as well as at the box office.

Text translated with DeepL


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