
Innsbrucker Hofmusik 06: In Pleno Choro - polychoral music around 1600 in the Innsbruck Court Church - works by Lasso, Sartorius and others.

Around 1600, music-making in several spatially separated sound groups spread from Italy throughout Europe. One person who was always open to such innovations was the Munich court conductor Orlando di Lasso. He stayed in Innsbruck several times and was on friendly terms with the Innsbruck court Kapellmeister Alexander Utendal; his successor Jakob Regnart married a niece of Lasso. The music of the “divine Orlando” was extremely popular in Innsbruck; his posthumously published “Magnum opus musicum” with no fewer than 516 motets for up to twelve voices was available in Innsbruck, as were numerous other works by Lasso in prints and copies. We combine polychoral works by Lasso with works penned by composers from the Innsbruck court, such as Paul Sartorius.

BONUS: 6.15 pm introductory talk on the architecture of the Hofkirche.

Further information about the series “Innsbruck Court Music



Category I
€ 42

Category II
€ 34

Category III
€ 24

Information on subscriptions


Tickets can be purchased at the Museum box office in the Ferdinandeum or online at or at the Oeticket advance ticket offices as well as at the box office.


Ensemble der Innsbrucker Hofmusik

Leitung: Marian Polin

Marian Polin, Künstlerische Leitung

Text translated with DeepL


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