Curator’s tour

with Petra Schattanek-Wiesmair through the exhibition "Fascinating world of birds. Nest, feather, diversity"

The curator of the exhibition, Petra Schattanek-Wiesmair, takes you on a journey into the fascinating, mysterious and diverse world of birds. What do birds have to do with dinosaurs? What paths do birds and humans share? And why are they so important for us and our world? The guided tour will provide you with answers to these questions and you can also explore the secret tracks and anatomical features of these impressive creatures.

Embark on an adventure – and perhaps you will see birds with different eyes.



Admission to the exhibition and the guided tour are free with a valid ticket for the Alpenzoo.
Meeting point for the guided tour at the Alpenzoo ticket office


Alpine Zoo / Weiherburg
Weiherburggasse 37
6020 Innsbruck

Further dates in this series

Text translated with DeepL


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