
The future of Museumstrasse
  • Wednesday, 17-4-2024 | 6 p.m.  – 8 p.m.
  • free entry
  • For Adults

Museumstraße, which stretches from east to west towards the centre of Innsbruck, was laid out as a boulevard in 1842. The Tyrolean State Museum Ferdinandeum was one of the first buildings on this street.

Today, the street is characterised by consumer-free seating in front of the museum, wide pavements, shops and individual restaurants. Hundreds of pupils and students from the neighbouring educational institutions frequent the street every day. However, Museumstraße has been struggling with enormous challenges for some time now: More and more shops are closing or moving away, including many long-standing businesses. Many business premises have been empty for a long time, public transport is a burden on the street and conflicts between pedestrians, cyclists and public transport are a source of discussion.

Together with representatives of the City of Innsbruck, solutions for a more attractive Museumstraße will be discussed on this evening: What strategies are there to combat vacancies? How can the quality of life in this street be improved so that it becomes an attractive, lively public space?

The event is aimed in particular at business people, property owners and property experts, as well as local residents and interested citizens.

Text translated with DeepL


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