Forum Museum

Museum in film: The Square (2017), directed by Ruben Östlund
  • Tuesday, 12-12-2023 | 6 p.m.
  • free entry
  • For Adults & Jugendliche

Director Ruben Östlund’s satirical drama centres on Christian, a respected curator who is preparing the opening of “The Square” installation at a contemporary art museum in Stockholm.

As Christian faces stress in both his job and his personal life, he becomes involved in a series of absurd and sometimes comical situations. These include a stolen wallet, a controversial marketing campaign and a failed performance.

The film criticises social hypocrisy, political correctness and blurs the line between art and reality. It satirises the contemporary art world and society’s often questionable values and priorities.

The film will be shown with German subtitles for the deaf and hearing impaired.

Introduction to the film with Christian Quendler, film scholar, Institute for American Studies, University of Innsbruck.

Text translated with DeepL


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