Long Night of Research

in the Collection and Research Centre of the Tyrolean State Museums

On this evening, you will have the rare opportunity to gain an insight into the work of the Collection and Research Centre of the Tyrolean State Museums. You will learn a great deal about one of the largest regional collections in Austria, about research priorities, about the professional storage, conservation and restoration of millions of artefacts from art, culture and the natural sciences. The collection is the centrepiece of a museum: it is the starting point for curating exhibitions and generating knowledge!


Stations on the theme of “Nightlife”, 5 – 11 pm

Nocturnal activity is a widespread phenomenon in animals, but plant species are also adapted to day and night rhythms. Avoidance of predators and/or competition, use of new resources, reduced water consumption or protection from heat go hand in hand with many special behaviours. The further development of sensory organs such as eyes and ears or nocturnal flowering phases are examples of nocturnal animals and plants. The increasingly widespread use of artificial lighting is crystallising as a major threat to this diversity.

Owls, bats & co.”(Petra Schattanek-Wiesmair, Ursula Grimm)

“Diverse moths” (Peter Huemer)

“Beguiling plants” (Michael Thalinger)


Guided tours, 5 – 10 pm

Guided tours (30 min.) through the natural science and archaeology collections and the restoration workshops take place every hour.

More information about the guided tours can be found here:

5 pm
Overview tour of the collection and research centre(Hannes Würzl)

6 pm
Extinct, rediscovered, found again – treasures from Tyrol’s plant world(Michael Thalinger)

Surprises from paper restoration(Alexander Fohs)

Roman luxury crockery in Tyrol(Anton Höck)

7 pm
The world of crystals, rocks and fossils (Maria Schaffhauser)

Surprising facts from paper restoration (AlexanderFohs)

Insight into the restoration of archaeological finds(Jaime Pascual Sanz, Gerhard Lochbihler)

8 pm
Exciting insights into the vertebrate collection(Petra Schattanek-Wiesmair)

Research into painting techniques(Laura Resenberg)

Surprising facts from paper restoration (Alexander Fohs)

9 pm
Diverse butterfly research (Peter Huemer)

Current topics in textile restoration(Ursula Lingscheid)

Surprises from paper restoration (AlexanderFohs)

10 p.m.
What’s new from the past?(Veronica Barbacovi, Wolfgang Sölder)

Current topics in textile restoration (Ursula Lingscheid)

Information on participation

The number of participants is limited (max. 12 participants per tour, max. 15 participants for the overview tour at 5 p.m.), without registration, numbered tickets are available on site from 4.30 p.m.

Collection and Research Centre of the Tyrolean State Museums
Krajnc-Straße 1
6060 Hall in Tyrol

Text translated with DeepL


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