
of the exhibition "arttirol 10. art acquisitions of the province of Tyrol 2021 - 2023"
  • Thursday, 25-4-2024 | 6 p.m.
  • free entry
  • For Adults

With works by artists from Tyrol as well as numerous international positions, the tenth edition of the “arttirol” collection presentation invites you to take a varied stroll through the art acquisitions of the province of Tyrol.

Above is a work by the Tyrolean artist Matthias Krinzinger entitled “Crying child with cigarette”. Wouldn’t you like to immediately remove the cigarette from this child’s mouth, dry its tears and take this little girl in your arms? The artist Matthias Krinzinger, born in Innsbruck in 1982, may cause outrage with this groundbreaking work, but at the same time he fulfils a central task of contemporary art: he addresses social grievances, uses the cigarette to hint at the manifold dangers of addiction and ultimately puts the viewer’s capacity for empathy to the test.

Let yourself be surprised by the diverse spectrum of contemporary art, which not only includes socially critical positions, but also celebrates humour and irony.

Governor Anton Mattle

About the exhibition
Karin Pernegger, art historian and member of the acquisition jury

Music by
DJ Avenüe

Text translated with DeepL


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