
of "Forum Museum. Festival zum Aufbruch" and the special exhibition "Anna Scalfi Eghenter. Faites vos jeux (Make your play)".
  • Thursday, 23-11-2023 | 6 p.m.
  • free entry
  • For Adults

We celebrate change, upheaval, the future. Will you celebrate with us?

In winter 2023/24, the Ferdinandeum will be transformed into a diverse field of experimentation and invites you to an inspiring cultural festival with cinema, café, music, flea market, workshops and much more. Over the course of two months, around 80 events are on the programme, all of which can be attended free of charge.

The creative framework is provided by the work “Cantiere Tempo” (Construction Site Time) by the artist Anna Scalfi Eghenter. Parallel to “Forum Museum”, she is showing the exhibition “Faites vos jeux” (Make Your Game) at the Ferdinandeum and participating in the festival with game and discussion formats. The construction site in turn serves as a stage, podium, creative workshop or place to stay at various events and offers space for new encounters in and with the museum. It will be inaugurated by the Innsbruck poetry slam family around Martin Fritz, Silke Gruber and Katrin ohne H as well as Mike Hornyik and others.

6 pm
Exhibition opening “Anna Scalfi Eghenter. Faites vos jeux (Make your play)”.

7 pm
Poetry workshop at the start of the festival, moderated by: Markus Köhle

Text translated with DeepL


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