With Linde Brunmayr-Tutz (transverse flute), Annelie Gahl (baroque violin), Claire Pottinger-Schmidt (viola da gamba), Michael Schöch (keyboard instruments)

Tyrolean instrument maker Herbert Kuen has been making keyboard instruments since his student days. Over the decades, he has created an extremely remarkable oeuvre of over 40 harpsichords and organ instruments of various types. The latest opus unites these two instrument genres: Kuen’s claviorganum, which will be presented to the public for the first time at this event, is a unique piece in a construction method newly developed by the builder, albeit based on historical models. The event will focus on the builder and some of his most beautiful “products”, which will be put in the spotlight by a quartet of musicians experienced in early music in a wide variety of contexts. In 2023, Herbert Kuen agreed with the Tyrolean State Museums that a representative selection of his instruments would become part of the Ferdinandeum ‘s music collection.

Text translated with DeepL


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