Theatre play in two acts by Michael Schmid

Otto Standarte is called up by his country. Filled with national pride and attachment to his homeland, he looks forward to his upcoming task as a border guard. He dutifully puts all regulations and duties into practice, no matter how discriminatory, senseless and questionable they may be. But the border crossers see hope in him. Hope for a better relationship with their neighbouring country and their fellow human beings. Hope for a better world. Otto is encouraged to think and question. Is he on the right path?

Suddenly he makes a serious mistake. He fears the consequences and tries to cover everything up. He increasingly comes into conflict with his thinking and his orders. It’s boiling. Not only in Otto. The people are seething. The whole world is seething. It is beginning to change.


€ 10 Regulär
€ 8 erm. Eintritt


Booking at or by telephone at
+43 680 1191 287

Registration required!


Andrea Jörg, Michael Schmid, Matthias Schranz

In co-operation with

Text translated with DeepL


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