In this artistic workshop, under the motto “Paper Theatre: Conversations with Shadows”, two-dimensional paper figures are created in silhouette technique together with paper artists from Belarus. “Paper Resistance” focuses on the effects of propaganda and political violence on people’s lives. The workshop will be held in German and English.

For the project, a group of paper artists from Belarus will travel to Tyrol to work together on a series of paper artworks during their one-month stay. The local population and other interested parties are invited to participate and contribute in open workshops.

The project will create a platform to reflect on the positive possibilities that traditional art and cultural forms can open up in times of political violence and oppression. For example, how can traditional art forms alleviate human suffering and provide a form of expression for individual as well as collective protest?

A project by Elena Romashko with Volha Baburyna (palunisa), Milava Baburyna, Stassia Kuzmich, Tatiana Mikhniuk, Vital Nazarevich and Natallia Sukhaya.


Registration required until Fri, 18.8.2023, 12 noon

For adults & young people aged 14 and over

The workshop will be held in German and English.

Registration required!

Text translated with DeepL


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