Youngbaroque 2024

Second International Youth Baroque Orchestra Festival
  • Mi, 17.7. – So, 21.7.2024

Artistic director: Lars Ulrik Mortensen

Young musicians turn early music into an exciting experience and Innsbruck offers the ideal stage for this. The “youngbaroque 2024” festival offers children and young people the opportunity to immerse themselves in the world of historical performance practice and showcase their considerable skills. At this second meeting of youth baroque orchestras, orchestras from several European countries take the opportunity to meet, exchange ideas and work together. “youngbaroque” is a festival that brings the fresh sound of young baroque orchestras to the “early music” city of Innsbruck, a pioneering project for the promotion of young talent in early music, which has played a special role in the city of Innsbruck and the province of Tyrol for decades. The initiative for “youngbaroque” came from Linde Brunmayr-Tutz (Trossingen University of Music) and Franz Gratl (Tyrolean State Museums) in 2022; in 2024, the Innsbruck Early Music Festival will take up this idea and continue it. The grand finale of “youngbaroque 2024” is the big closing concert on 21 July at 11 am at Treibhaus Innsbruck.

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