As en Bersntol

About a multilingual valley in Trentino

Bersntol, Valle dei Mòcheni, Fersental, Valle del Fersina: all these names stand for one and the same mountain valley, located about 20 kilometres northeast of Trento. And yet they do not mean the same thing. The difference lies in the linguistic background of the speakers. In the Middle Ages, German-speaking settlers settled in this predominantly Italian-speaking region. Since then, the two languages have met in different variants. This has led to the development of a linguistic peculiarity: Bersntoleric.

The coexistence of the different language groups has not always been without conflict in the past. In the 19th century, German and Italian nationalists tried to take over the valley for their own interests. This almost led to the decline of the language community.

Today, everyday life is characterised by multilingualism. The valley's inhabitants often casually switch back and forth between Italian, Trentino dialect, German and Bersntoleric - "senza koa Schwierigkeit".

The exhibition "As en Bersntol" lets Bersntoler*innen speak and illuminates the history, language and culture of the multilingual valley in Trentino through video interviews, objects and texts.


After the presentation in the Tyrolean Folk Art Museum 2022, the exhibition is now being shown in the Museum of Tyrolean Farms in Kramsach.


Museum Tiroler Bauernhöfe
Angerberg 10
6233 Kramsach


In cooperation with the Museum Tiroler Bauernhöfe Kramsach

Text translated with DeepL


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