Devotion and dominion

The Altar of Tyrol Castle

The exhibition focuses on the most prominent piece of the castle's inventory, the winged altar, which the early Habsburgs donated to the chapel around 1370 as a political signum. The fate of the altar was not exactly favourable for the chapel in the early 19th century. The altar ended up in Innsbruck, where it is now on display in the Ferdinandeum.

In recent years it has been examined and restored. For the exhibition, the painted wing panels are returning to Castle Tyrol. A reason to celebrate! The content framework illustrates and explains the altar in all its particularities, explains the historical foundations and presents the results of the material analysis.

A scientific conference in April 2023 will deepen new findings.


Schloss Tirol
Via del Castello 24
39019 Tirolo BZ

Text translated with DeepL


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