Ferdinandeum in the future and the past

An interactive architectural model
Open today:
10 a.m.  – 6 p.m.

On the ground floor, the plans for the remodelling of the Ferdinandeum are shown in close collaboration with the architects Marte.Marte. A "work in progress" that is actively progressing at the same time.

The task of a museum - to preserve the memory of our society - is timeless. Compared to today, however, this task looked very different 200 years ago. The role of a museum in society has changed and we have grown with it.

Recreate the different construction phases of the building yourself and learn more about the demands on museum architecture over the course of history with the help of a 3D model and infographics on the history of the Tyrolean Provincial Museums.

Architekturmodell Ferdinandeum
Maria Kirchner
Architectural model of the Ferdinandeum


Instructions can be found both on site and online here:

Text translated with DeepL


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