From little dinosaur to knight rust

The illustrator Jörg Hilbert

An illustrious group of guests visit Hasegg Castle: the timid Knight Rusty, the brave Damsel Bö and the cheeky fire dragon Coke. Normally they live in an iron castle and experience fabulous adventures in "Scrapland". Their creator is the German illustrator and author Jörg Hilbert. His works with music have since become classics of children's literature. It all began with a story about a little dinosaur. He also showed this early work to the Tyrolean artist Paul Flora - his patron and role model. The drawings came to light again in the Ferdinandeum library through his estate and form the starting point of the exhibition.

There is plenty for young and old to discover: How does Jörg Hilbert draw his figures? When does a story become a book? Which knights and figures do you invent from scrap metal? And do you have an answer to all the riddle questions? Finally, there will also be a little surprise.

We look forward to travelling together into the forest of mythical creatures to meet Ritter Rost and his friends!

Admission: voluntary donations


Roland Sila 's exhibition was on display at the Zeughaus in Innsbruck from 27 November 2020 to 4 April 2021 and has now been adapted for the Stadtmuseum Hall.

Studio booklet on the exhibition in the Zeughaus

Studio booklet 39 From the little dinosaur to the knight Rost

Adresse & Öffnungszeiten

Stadtmuseum Hall
Burg Hasegg 3
6060 Hall in Tirol

Fr, Sa, So 10 – 17 Uhr

In co-operation with

Text translated with DeepL


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