Land – Varieties – Diversity

100 years of the Tyrolean Genebank

In 1922, the agronomist Erwin Mayr created the basis for the Tyrolean gene bank. To this day, it collects, documents and preserves old varieties of agricultural crops such as cereals, potatoes and fruit in Tyrol. To mark the centenary, the exhibition "Land - Varieties - Diversity. 100 Years of the Tyrolean Genebank" focuses on this institution and pays tribute to its work in the field and in research, through which both food sources and biodiversity as well as cultural heritage are preserved.


After being presented at the Tyrolean Folk Art Museum in 2022, the exhibition is now being shown by the Ötztal Museums at the Längenfeld Museum of Local History.

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StudioBooklets 42

100 Years of the Tyrolean Gene Bank


Ötztaler Museen
Lehn 23b – 24
6444 Längenfeld


Text translated with DeepL


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