Together with the artist Anna Scalfi Eghenter, we invite you to a meeting on the dance floor as it used to be.

In the dance workshop from 4.15 to 5.30 pm (with registration), the standard dances for the evening will be practised or refreshed.

The open dance evening starts at 6 pm with music from different eras, historical pieces, Austrian dance music with more contemporary dance pieces. The museum combines history and the present in a dance experience.

The dance workshop and open dance evening will take place in Anna Scalfi Eghenter’s artistic work “Cantiere Tempo” (engl. construction site time) on the ground floor of the Ferdinandeum. This space was created by the artist to establish new relationships in and with the museum.

Prices & Information

€ 14 Regulär
€ 10 Ermäßigt
€ 5 Jugendliche

From 16 years


Registration for the dance workshop until Friday, 19 April, 12 noon.

Registration required!

An event in co-operation with

Text translated with DeepL


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