Johann Zach: SINFONIES

On the 250th anniversary of the composer’s death

The composer Johann Zach died 250 years ago. He received a thorough education in Prague in the 1730s and quickly established himself as a central figure in the musical life of the Bohemian metropolis. When Prague was ravaged by the turmoil of the War of the Austrian Succession and taken by allied Bavarian and Saxon troops, Zach left his Bohemian homeland and was appointed court Kapellmeister to the Elector of Mainz as early as 1745. In 1756 he voluntarily resigned from his post and spent the last almost twenty years of his life travelling constantly, giving music lessons and selling his compositions. He stayed in Tyrol several times, preferably in the Cistercian monastery of Stams, where the world’s largest collection of his compositions is kept today. Zach created numerous original symphonies for the court of Mainz, which have been preserved in archives throughout Europe. A selection of these compositions will be performed by the Ensemble Suono d’Oro (formerly Barocksolisten München), which is well experienced with Zach, under the artistic direction of Dorothea Seel.

Ensemble Suono d’Oro
Conductor: Dorothea Seel


€ 24 Regulär
€ 19 Ermäßigt 1
€ 10 Ermäßigt 2

Concert available by subscription

Text translated with DeepL


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