The musical axis Augsburg – Tyrol

Piano concertos and orchestral works by Pietro Pompeo Sales, Johann Georg Lang, Johann Caspar Seyfert and Wolfgang Amadé Mozart The free imperial city of Augsburg was not only an international trading centre, but also a cultural hub: two of the most important publishing houses with a musical focus, the Lotter and Rieger offices, were located here, and the princely, imperial-city, bourgeois and monastic musical culture flourished here. In the field of music, there were manifold connections to Tyrol. The Augsburg pianos of the famous Johann Andreas Stein were purchased in the “Land in the Mountains”, which were particularly favoured by none other than Mozart. The works of Augsburg composers were also played there and the published works of Lotter and Rieger were received. In this concert, we follow the ancient “Via Claudia Augusta”, which leads from Augsburg via Tyrol to Italy, in the footsteps of composers such as Pietro Pompeo Sales, who was trained in Innsbruck and made a career in Augsburg, or Johann Georg Lang and Johann Caspar Seyfert, whose works were popular in the Tyrolean monastery of Stams. The German fortepiano specialist and the Tyrol-based transverse flutist Dorothea Seel build musical bridges between Augsburg and Tyrol with the Baroque Soloists Munich.

Christoph Hammer (fortepiano by Robert Brown after Anton Walter)
Dorothea Seel (transverse flute)
Baroque Soloists Munich, Dorothea Seel (artistic director)


€ 24 Regulär
€ 19 Ermäßigt
€ 10 Ermäßigt

Advance booking at the Ferdinandeum museum ticket office, via
OeTicket online and at the points of sale.

Further dates in this series

In co-operation with

Text translated with DeepL


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