Unfortunately the concert has to be cancelled

Heiller’s vocal compositions with a Tyrolean connection – a workshop concert

For decades Anton Heiller had a lasting influence on the Austrian church music and organ scene, whether as professor of organ, composition and church composition at the Vienna Academy of Music and teacher of an entire generation of organists, as a trend-setting performer on organ and harpsichord, as a controversial organ building expert or as a composer. Heiller was largely responsible for the re-establishment of traditional organ building in Austria after the Second World War, with mechanical slider chests instead of electropneumatic action. Heiller designed several new organs in Tyrol. In addition, he wrote very demanding works for church music performances in Tyrol, which are heard in this workshop concert and show Heiller’s compositional mastery. Norbert Matsch, who initiated this homage to Anton Heiller on the occasion of his 100th birthday and who is taking over the musical direction, was able to win the renowned Viennese organist Peter Planyavsky for this project, a student of Heiller and an expert on Heiller.

Peter Planyavsky (organ)
N. N. (soprano)
The Capella
Norbert Matsch (concept & artistic direction)


€ 24 Regulär
€ 19 Ermäßigt 1
€ 10 Ermäßigt 2

Concert available by subscription


BORG – Ballroom
Fallmerayerstraße 7
6020 Innsbruck

Text translated with DeepL


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