
Bioblitz: City Nature Challenge

As part of the City Nature Challenge 2024, as many wild animal and plant species as possible are to be documented in the Innsbruck-Stadt and Innsbruck-Land areas. Over 500 cities worldwide are taking part in this competition. The campaign runs from 26 April to 19 April and is aimed at anyone interested in nature. Equipped with a smartphone or GPS-enabled camera, anyone can become part of the challenge on their own initiative. Further information can be found at: www.citynaturechallenge.at.

On 27 April 2024, guided by Christian Anich and Michael Thalinger, you can take a walk through forests and meadows in the Kranebitten area and actively participate in recording local biodiversity. The route will take us from the meeting point up to the Kerschbuchhof farm. From there, we will continue eastwards for a while before finishing our walk in the Allerheiligen area.

This is not a classic, guided educational excursion; instead, the focus will be on experiencing nature together. Therefore, all participants are free to change direction or turn back at any time.

A charged battery in your mobile phone and, if available, a power bank are helpful.

Depending on the route, the elevation gain and length of the route will be around 300 metres and 6 – 8 km. Sturdy shoes and sufficient fitness are expected. Please do not forget weather protection, a snack and a water bottle.

Please register at c.anich@tiroler-landesmuseen.at


Registration required!


6020 Innsbruck
Bus stop Technik-West

An event organised by the

Text translated with DeepL


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