
through the exhibition "Schatz Tirol. Yesterday. Today. Tomorrow"

Is Tirol a trade mark? Who gets a monument in Tirol? Why is transport a problem in Tirol? Tyrol’s regional history is rich in phenomena that influence the present due to its geopolitical location, the Alpine landscape and the historical actors.

The new permanent exhibition in the armoury of Emperor Maximilian I focuses on topics such as settlement, the immigration and emigration of people, the relationship between people and their environment, social affiliation and political events.

Claudia Sporer-Heis, curator and head of the Historical Collection, and Katharina Walter, head of cultural education at the Tyrolean State Museums, will guide visitors through the exhibition, which also invites them to reinterpret historical narratives and become aware of their own point of view with many interactive elements.


Registration at the VHS Tirol, at:

Registration required!

An event in co-operation with the

Text translated with DeepL


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