
through the thematic series "Strong Women in the Hofkirche" for deaf and hearing people
  • Saturday, 14-10-2023 | 11 a.m.  – 12 p.m.
  • free entry
  • For Gehörlose und Hörende

In cooperation with the Association of the Deaf Tyrol, inclusive guided tours of various exhibitions take place several times a year, which means that both deaf and hearing visitors can take part.

The public tours are translated into Austrian sign language. Questions from the audience are also answered simultaneously.

This time Sonja Fabian, cultural mediator, leads through the thematic series “Strong Women in the Hofkirche”.

To the deaf video on YouTube:

Gehörlosenvideo zu "Starke Frauen in der Hofkirche"

In cooperation with

the Deaf Association Tyrol

Text translated with DeepL


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