What remains of history? Who remembers what? And how? How can, should, do we deal with the voids of history?

The project “Memories of Memories” reflects on the power of memories, both collective and individual. The focus is on the Oradour camp in Schwaz and its history from National Socialism to the present. What has remained of it? “Memories of Memories” searches for what seems to be lost and questions the attempt to make the forgotten or repressed visible again. A varied programme of exhibitions, concerts, readings, talks, guided tours and performances awaits the public in Innsbruck, Schwaz and Hall.

Memories of Memories” is a cooperation project of the Tyrolean Provincial Museums, Klangspuren Schwaz, Rabalderhaus, Museum der Völker, Kunstraum Schwaz, Toni-Knapp-Haus, Stadtarchiv Schwaz, Institut für Gestaltung, i.sd – Konstruktion und Gestaltung der Universität Innsbruck, Tiroler Landestheater and Klocker Museum Hall.

Karl C. Berger (Director of the Tyrolean Regional Museums)

Roland Sila (Head of the Ferdinandeum Library, Project Coordinator), Michaela Feurstein-Prasser (Curator) and Arno Gisinger (Photographer)

Victoria Weber (Mayor of Schwaz)

Afterwards there will be the possibility to use a bus shuttle to the anniversary concert of Klangspuren in Schwaz. Please make a reservation at tickets@klangspuren.at

Departure: 7 pm, Congress Innsbruck (concert starts at 8 pm)
Return journey after the concert at approx. 9.45 p.m.

Text translated with DeepL


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