Kassandra Möstl/ Desiree Bair (fortepiano by Ignaz Bösendorfer, Vienna around 1840)

The “Auftakt” series was initiated in 2021 by Professors Gabriele Enser and Michael Schöch at the Tyrolean State Conservatory to give Precollege students at the conservatory the opportunity to familiarise themselves with the challenges of the concert business as early as possible. The young musicians face an expert jury and are given the opportunity to demonstrate their skills in established concert series. The Tyrolean State Museums offer the young piano duo Kassandra Möstl and Desiree Bair the opportunity to work with a historical fortepiano. In this matinee, a beautiful-sounding instrument by Ignaz Bösendorfer, which has been on loan from the Crepaz family (Hall in Tirol) to the Tyrolean Provincial Museum Ferdinandeum for some time, will be used. The young musicians perform four-handed piano music from the Romantic period.

Further dates in this series

Text translated with DeepL


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