A knight should be strong, brave and noble. Jörg Hilbert thought that was too stereotypical and invented Ritter Rost instead: weak, timid and rusty. In the special exhibition, the clumsy knight, who now has adventures in more than 30 children's books, radio plays and films, braves his way through the Museum im Zeughaus. Lady Bö, King Bleifuss, Prince Protz, Witch Verstexe and many other characters accompany their friend or rival.

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The little dinosaur from Hilbert's first children's book, which was never published, is also on show for the first time. This one is closely connected with Innsbruck, because the originals were kept for decades by Hilbert's great role model and patron, Paul Flora, before the family made them available for the exhibition. Later, the little dinosaur evolved into the dragon Koks, who is now up to mischief together with Ritter Rost.

The exhibition invites adults and children from the age of four to the museum - it remains to be seen who enjoys the drawings more.

Musical Theatre: Father Christmas the Pig

Because a Father Christmas is absent due to illness, a pig takes over the job as a temporary Father Christmas. The wonderfully crazy Christmas tale "Der Schweihnachtsmann" by children's belly writer Jörg Hilbert lovingly parodies Christmas rituals. Under the direction of music and dance teacher Antonia Neussl, the story was dramaturgically staged as musical theatre and, due to the Corona situation, can be seen and heard as a stream from 23.12. to 28.12.2020.


You can find the stream of the entire play here from 23.12. to 28.12.2020.

Acting, music, dramaturgy and stage:

Antonia Neussl, music and dance teacher and cellist.

Marinus Kreidt, violinist and violist

Julia Hell, music and dance teacher, folk musician and teacher for diatonic accordion

Performance rights by kind permission of Edition Conbrio / Hug Musikverlage, Zurich

Studio booklet for the exhibition

StudioHefte 39

StudioBooklet 39

From the little dinosaur to the knight Rost. The illustrator Jörg Hilbert
© Annette Beltz at Ueberreuter Verlag GmbH
Mag.a. Clara Maier

The best-selling scrap world: Ritter Rost

An interview with the best-selling author Jörg Hilbert, whose Ritter Rost figures are coming to the Zeughaus for a special exhibition.
Videogespräch mit Jörg Hilbert
Mag.a. Clara Maier

Ever drawn with a bestselling children's book author?

Jörg Hilbert invites you to draw online. This will make the time until the opening of the special exhibition - on him and his world of knights - fly by.


Kindergarten to 4th grade

Text translated with DeepL


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