Works by Peter Zwetkoff and his Tyrolean contemporaries

The exhibition project “Memories of Memories” focuses on the culture of remembrance using the example of a Nazi forced labour camp near Schwaz, which served as a detention camp for Nazis after liberation and was named after the French town of Oradour, where a massacre of the civilian population with 642 deaths took place as a reprisal action by the Waffen-SS on 10 June 1944. With two compositions – “Wie es war” and “Umschlagplatz” – the Tyrolean composer Peter Zwetkoff turned against the indifference of ritualised commemoration decades after the liberation in 1945. Othmar Costa, Head of the Serious Music Division at ORF Radio Tyrol, a companion of Zwetkoff and initiator of a discographic anthology of his works, wrote in 1995 about “Umschlagplatz”: “Peter Zwetkoff achieved the most concise work with the greatest concentration of his compositional intentions in the absolute music Umschlagplatz 1993. The aim of the music: it wants to make people aware, to generate attention against lukewarmness and indifference.” Zwetkoff was himself a persecutee of the Nazi regime and active in the resistance. From 1954, he worked primarily for SWF Baden-Baden and established himself primarily as a composer of radio plays.


  • Peter Zwetkoff: “Umschlagplatz” for clarinet, tuba, violin, double bass and percussion, 1993
  • Peter Zwetkoff: “Wie es war” for string quartet and percussion, sand blocks, cymbals, scissors, 1988
  • Peter Zwettkoff: Four duos from: Violin music for two to four violins, 1981
  • Werner Pirchner: “In lieu of a monument to my teacher’s brother, who was murdered in the war because he refused to shoot hostages” for flute solo, 1986
  • Werner Pirchner: “Einfach – Zwiefach” for double bass solo, 1993
  • Bert Breit: “Fragmente”, six pieces for violin solo, 1992/1995
    Tyrolean Ensemble for New Music



€ 24 Regulär
€ 19 Ermäßigt 1
€ 10 Ermäßigt 2

Concert available by subscription

In cooperation with the

Text translated with DeepL


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