On 26 October 2023, our museums will again open their doors and gates with free admission.

We invite you to immerse yourself in the world of museums and let yourself drift through the exhibitions as you please. A wide variety of guided tours will sharpen your focus on special themes from art and culture. Children and families can puzzle their way through the Ferdinandeum and the Armoury or get creative together in the Folk Art Museum with the Hofkirche and the Tirol Panorama with the Kaiserjägermuseum.

At Landhausplatz, on the other hand, the motto is “Caution, poisonous!” as the Natural Science Collection sets up its tents here and displays fascinating animal and plant species.

Come and see us! We look forward to your visit!

Our cooperation exhibitions “From Gauhaus to Landhaus. A Tyrolean National Socialist Building and its History” in the Landhaus and “Pembaur – Who?” in the Stadtarchiv / Stadtmuseum Innsbruck can also be visited free of charge on Open Day.


Free shuttle bus

from the Landhaus (stop: Triumphpforte) to the Tirol Panorama with Kaiserjägermuseum (10.30 – 16.30, every 30 minutes)

Text translated with DeepL


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