Zu Beginn eines jeden neuen Kapitels des Museums wandeln sich die Erwartungen der Gesellschaft, die Anforderungen der Arbeit des Konservierens und PrÀsentierens und damit auch die Anforderungen an den Raum.
So gab es im Laufe der Geschichte mehrere Umbauprozesse, deren Ziel es war, die Museumsarchitektur fĂŒr die wachsende Arbeit des Museums zu optimieren. Aber welche Faktoren und BedĂŒrfnisse beeinflussen die Museumsarchitektur? Wie haben sie sich im Laufe der Zeit verĂ€ndert und warum? Wie beeinflusst die Architektur die Museumsarbeit?
Im GesprĂ€ch mit Lilli Hollein, Direktorin des MAK und Alicja Knast, Direktorin der Nationalgalerie in Prag fragen wir, wie Museum als offener Raum gestaltet und fĂŒr die Besucher*innen erfahrbar gemacht werden kann.
Diese Veranstaltung wird in Englisch abgehalten mit Zusammenfassungen in Deutsch. Moderiert von Vero SchĂŒrr, Raumdesignerin und Bereichsleitung Ausstellungen & Publikationen der TLM.
Vorausgehend findet um 16 Uhr der Vortrag âDesign als Tool fĂŒr die Gesellschaftâ im WEI SRAUM Designforum Tirol statt. Weitere Infos hierzu unter www.weissraum.at.
Every new chapter of the museum comes with a change of societyâs expectations, modernised standards of conservation and exhibition, and thus new demands on the museumâs architecture. As a result, museums are being renovated and extended to accommodate the ever-evolving work. But which factors and needs affect museumâs architecture? How have they changed over time and why? And how does the museumâs architecture impact on the way we work?
In conversation with Lilli Hollein, Director of the MAK-Museum, and Alicja Knast, Director of the National Gallery Prague, we discuss how museums can be designed as open spaces and made more accessible to visitors.
This event will be held in English with summaries in German. Moderated by Vero SchĂŒrr, experiential designer and head of exhibitions & publications at TLM.
In Cooperation with WEI SRAUM. At 4pm at WEI SRAUM Designforum Tirol: Presentation âDesign as a Tool for Societyâ. www.weissraum.at
Lilli Hollein
Lilli Hollein is General Director of the MAK since 2021 â the Museum for Applied Arts in Vienna. She studied Industrial Design at the University of Applied Arts in Vienna and is the co-founder of the Vienna Design Week (with Tulga Beyerle and Thomas Geisler), which she lead starting 2013 and developed into Austriaâs largest curated design festival with an international reputation. As project manager and curator, Hollein developed architecture and design exhibitions, including the âKunsthalle Kremsâ (Art hall Krems), the Berlin Gallery Aedes or the Designzone Looshaus. In 2007 she was the Commissioner of the Austrian contribution at the Architecture Biennale of SaÌo Paulo. As Director of the MAK, her goal is to make the museum accessible to a wider audience, to convey the collection content using more innovative programs, to promote a feminist perspective and to incorporate popcultural topics.
Alicja Knast
Alicja Barbara Knast, HAE museologist and musicologist graduated from Adam Mickiewicz University, PoznaĆ. During her professional career as a museum professional, she managed or curated nearly two hundred exhibitions temporary or permanent. Her main area of specialisation is capital projects in museums, programming, policies and strategies for new developments of galleries or museums. She led and completed Chopin Museumâs permanent exhibition, Polin Museumâs core exhibition and Muzeum ĆlÄ skieâs new seat and revitalisation projects of the former coal mine. She is a holder of several awards â notably, in the year 2011, she received both the prestigious Red Dot Award, recognizing excellence in design, and the esteemed Order of the Polar Star, an honor of the highest order. Since 2021 she holds a position of general director in the National Gallery Prague.